Tuesday 9 June 2009

Gordon, Miliband, Mandelson, Twenty20

So, I woke up this morning with the feint hope that Gordon Brown would have fallen on his sword after his meeting with the Labour mob last night. As ever with our great leader, I am disappointed.

It seems that the conspirators are a little weak and divided. I wonder what the outcome would have been if they - Purnell, Flint et al - had spoken to each other.

Still, this morning on the Today programme, Miliband didn't really hide his assessment that Gordon isn't the best man to lead either the brothers or the country. He is about two years behind the rest of the country with that view.

Lord Mandelson is the glue holding the cabinet in place and Gordon as prime minister. I hope one unguarded comment from him will bring the whole house of cards - or charade, depending on your analogy - down.

One bit of good news, Australia are out of the Twenty20 world cup. Tempered by England's defeat to Holland last week. I didn't even know they played cricket in Holland.

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