Monday 8 June 2009

Monday stuff

It's always a struggle getting into gear for Monday morning, but today was a bit easier - as there is only 10 working days until a week off. Catriona and I cannot wait, it seems much longer than three months since we were skiing in Val d'Isere. Well, Catriona was, I was not, as I broke my arm.

We both had a very relaxing weekend, watching Lions vs Cheetahs and England vs Argentina on Saturday, neither of which were worth much positive comment. Bluewater yesterday was tyically busy and full of society's dross. We did, however, find enough time to visit Lisa and James to check out their new kittens and watch Yasmina win The Apprentice. I hoped Lord Sugar, as I suppose we will soon have to call him, would pick her, although it seems the rest of the country would have picked Kate.

I also picked up a reconditioned platen-type hot foil blocking machine, which will allow further expansion into the presentation packaging market. I'm also working on fabricating a modification to our Zund flatbed digital diecutter, which will mean that corrugated sheets sit a lot flatter and can be cut a lot more accurately.

No netball with Catriona tonight, as the weather isn't particularly great I won't object to sorting the shopping out.

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